Sleepy Hollow, The sounds that make the mood.

In my initial discussion post I talked about the movie Sleepy Hollow. In this Blog post I will discuss the sounds that have been instrumental in the building of a scene within the movie. Using the original clip from the movie when icabod is on the covered bridge as my reference. As the scene opens up we see icabod crane riding a horse towards the covered bridge. Listening to the clip we can tell that there is no wind blowing, no noises to be heard. Like walking in a ghost town at midnight. This gives the feeling that the actor and his horse are all alone. Then we hear a Hoot Owl cry in the night building the eeriness of the moment. As icabod travels over the covered bridge you hear the horses hoof steps loud on the wooden floor. Icabod hears a sound and turns around to ask who is there. That is when the music starts and slowly builds giving the audience the sense that something bad is about to happen.

The music in the film sets the stage for impending danger approaching. The exterior sounds such as the hoof steps and the owl and the lack of sounds in the beginning build on the solitude of the actor within the scene. It shows the vulnerability of the actors part withing the film. No one can save him or help him. He is left to his own devices. The mood of the entire film is dull, dire, and full of dark shadows. It is a typical Tim burton film. Using shades of gray to show the mood of the town and it’s people. The audience can clearly feel the atmosphere as dark and full of danger. Johnny Depp plays a good Icabod Crane as a book smart non-people person who is unsure of himself.

The effects used within the film are realistic enough to be believable.  The music just adds to the scene. Retrieved from

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